The LRUM Project

We transform worlds into their 80's cRPG version

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Valley of Eodon, from Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire

Warped to an alien location on prehistoric earth when an experiment involving moonstones goes awry, the avatar must save the inhabitants of the valley from being conquered by a race of vicious bugs, while rediscovering love in the brown eyes of a savage girl.
Valley of Eodon

Britannia, from Ultima 9: Ascension

Britannia is under attack by the Guardian… the titan of Ether returns victorious from Pagan and must now roam the huge, extensive world to recover the shrines of virtue, shut down the scary pillars and finish up a long, traditional franchise in a glorious way. Go forth avatar!

Britannia is huge!

Morgaelin Island, from Ultima 8: Pagan – v2

Enhanced with a derivative tileset for additional paganness

Pagan Map, v2

Morgaelin Island, from Ultima 8: Pagan – v1

What is the LRUMP

The Low Resolution Ultima Maps Project seeks to transform worlds from different games, just to see how they would have looked if they were made on a Ultima 4 like engine. Enjoy!